Sean Corrigan

Sean Corrigan is the author of ‘Money, Macro & Markets’ newsletter & Consultant to Hinde Capital.

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Mises Daily Sean Corrigan
The local Swiss press carried a summary of a report compiled by a panel of so-called “experts” of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Science (SATW) under the startling rubric that motor gasoline “should” henceforth be priced, by fiat, at no less than four francs per liter — roughly double the current market price and representing what, to an American, must seem like the eye-watering equivalent of around $14 a gallon.
Mises Daily Sean Corrigan
At the beginning of the eighteenth century, fifty years before the time of Quesnay, Bandini of Sienna had shown, both from reason and experience, that there never had been a scarcity of food, except...