Mises Wire

Tyranny of the Green Shirts

Tyranny of the Green Shirts
A weekend press report concerning the rapacity of one minor branch of government has lifted a the curtain on why UK Plc overall is in such a sorry state, as it writhes beneath the Collectivist jackboot of the Neuearbeitspartei.


As the Glasgow Herald reports, a week or so back, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency peremptorily wrote to all those whose attempts to create wealth are subject to the whims of this enviro-fascist quango, telling them they would be subject to a 7.7% increase in the charges it levied upon them next year.


The Green Shirts justified this tax raid on the basis that the poor, tree-hugging apparatchiks themselves were facing ‘increased wage inflation, National Insurance increases, greater employers’ pension contributions, higher property costs and infrastructure maintenance.’


What barefaced cheek! Just think about this for a moment in tabloid headline terms – ‘Government bleats: government is making it too expensive to stay in government. Private bosses told to cough up!’


What an exquisite admission of the failure of the policies we have endured, thanks to RobespiBlaire and Culpability, who have spent six years doing little more than stiffing us Brits with all the escalating costs of making our own ever-heavier shackles, the better to bind us in their increasingly illiberal corporatist state!


Rightly calling the agency a “a mosquito sucking the life blood out of the Scottish economy and picking over its bones,” Peter Hughes, chief executive of Scottish Engineering, stormed that: “The manufacturing sector is facing exactly the same pressures as Sepa, and also has to contend with Gordon Brown’s ‘stealth’ taxes. But we can only dream of increasing our prices by 7.7% at a time when the Consumer Prices Index stands at 1.3%.”


For all the good it will do, Hughes’ trade association has advised firms to write to their representatives, deploring the fact that this public body can simply pass on such costs by fiat to those who have no such fortune, since the victims are ”bound by economic realities.”


“How can parliament condone further burdens on the private sector while allowing the public sector to arbitrarily increase charges by ridiculous amounts?,” Hughes fulminated.  “The manufacturing sector is fed up with authorities riding roughshod through their businesses, picking clean their economic bones.”





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