Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics

The Rebirth of Austrian Economics—In Light of Austrian Economics

The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics


Volume 5, No. 4 (Winter 2002)


In 1982, Rothbard closed his remarks on the controversy over the journal’s name with the following statement: “At any rate, we have a tough row to hoe in Austrianism in general to rescue it from: Lachmann-Shackle nihilism; Stanford probababble; . . .modern philosophy; and fuzzy Hayekianism. All this makes a hard-core institute all the more necessary.”  Lew Rockwell gave us the hard-core institute; Murray Rothbard gave us the hard-core journal. With these institutional means at our disposal we have achieved our goal of putting the modern Austrian revival back on track and restoring the names of Mises and Rothbard as the modern masters in the scientific pursuit of economic truth.


Salerno, Joseph T. “The Rebirth of Austrian Economics--In Light of Austrian Economics.” The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 5, No. 4 (Winter 2002): 111–28.



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