Mises Wire

Roger at LSE

Roger at LSE
I attended Roger Garrison’s lecture on the Austrian theory of the business cycle at the LSE.  The auditorium was packed, probably 250-300 in the audience.     To my mind, Roger’s presentation was nothing short of brilliant.  Poised, witty, yet unremitting in his calm reasoning, he showed how this “oddball,” out of the mainstream theory is by far the best we have to explain the phenomena. .     Everyone I spoke to afterwards was highly enthusiastic.  Tony Giddens arranged for a nice dinner. Unfortunately, Lord Skidelsky didn’t show, nor did our old friend John Gray, who probably feared he might actually have to defend his economic ideas. But there were a number of interesting people there, and I enjoyed it very much.     Around the table, Roger argued very well, in his usual polite and respectful way, for Murray’s views, among other topics that came up.  I think that Roger at the LSE was a great plus for our cause.


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