Mises Wire

Isabel Good for the Economy?

Isabel Good for the Economy?

I have just heard, on the news, that we are lucky that a hurricane is headed our way. It seems that economists say that past hurricanes have been good for the economy because they stimulate demand- demand for rebuilding things like broken windows. Better to call them ‘noneconomists’ as Mises might have. Who might they be? Krugman? Anyway, this newsperson made sure to point out that it was imporant for the hurricane to inflict enough damage to get the feds to spend some disaster relief money. Too little damage would not allow us to avail ourselves of this opportunity for growing the economy. So we should all hope, it would seem, for Isabel to slam into the US at full force, so as to destroy as much as possible. Good thing that Hazlitt’s 1 lesson book is still in print- there are so many who need to read it so badly.


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