Mises Wire

The Handicapped against Handicapped Parking

The Handicapped against Handicapped Parking

Not all handicapped people are in favor of handicapped parking. In response to my recent article, “The State Conquers the Parking Lot,” a handicapped individual writes the following:

I have a handicapped parking ticket and guess what? I absolutely agree with you.
In fact, I often try to avoid using the designated spots, because it doesn’t feel right. I’ve spent years practicing to walk normally with my funny legs, and if I’m wearing trousers and walking on the flat, most don’t notice my disability. That’s what I want. But when I park in a handicapped spot, I find myself, half-conciously or perhaps self-conciously, deliberately putting on the wobbly boots. How ridiculous is that?
But it gets worse. When there are half a dozen handicapped spots available and not much else, it’s actually in everyone’s interest that I use those spots. Otherwise I’m using a spot that someone else must need. But I still feel guily or judged.
It must have seemed such a useful regulation once. And now it’s in, no-one could dare remove it for fear of being so uncaring. But it ends up creating such a convolution of thoughts and emotions because it is demanded; that it’s just not worth it. And as you say, when we see pregnant women, or women with prams step out from their designated spots, we all generally feel kindly towards that person. The pleasure of giving rather than of having something taken from us.
Every government action involves stealing in some form.
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