Mises Wire

Economic Communicators Contest to be judged by John Stossel

Economic Communicators Contest to be judged by John Stossel
The Association for Private Enterprise Education and the Market-Based Management Institute are proud to announce that ABC’s John Stossel will be on the panel of judges for this year’s Economic Communicators Contest. The panel will judge the contest’s three finalists at APEE’s Annual Conference to be held at Harrah’s Las Vegas Hotel & Casino April 6-8, 2008. The contest deadline is February 22, so there’s still time to enter for your chance to be evaluated by John Stossel and win cash prizes. Mr. Stossel will also be receiving APEE’s Thomas Jefferson Award, given to honor an individual whose public service has embodied the Jeffersonian ideal. It is bestowed on those who have dedicated their careers to establishing and maintaining the ideal government. It highlights the efforts of an individual who has demonstrated a desire to truly put the public interest first by providing, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, for all. You can still register to attend the conference and see John Stossel speak. And you can read Steve Levitt’s interesting commentary about the contest here.
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