Mises Daily

Austrian Enemy

Steve Kangas

Here’s one for conspiracy theorists.

Steven R. Kangas was a sworn enemy of the Austrian School of economics, and furious user of Mises.org. He devoted a section of his “Liberalism Resurgent” website to “debunking” the economics of Mises, Hayek, and Rothbard.

His Myths of the Austrian School is available for perusing. His elaborate text is shot through with errors and misrepresentations, but you have to give the guy credit for trying to refute the irrefutable.

Now comes the interesting part. On February 8, Kangas shot himself in the men’s room near the office of conservative benefactor and Clinton’s sworn enemy, Richard Mellon Scaife.

Kangas, who had recently sold his share in a Las Vegas gambling business, was found dead carrying 47 rounds of ammunition and a copy of Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

To read the sordid details of the life, death, and ongoing investigations of this national- socialist opponent of the Austrian School, see the story in the Washington Post or the story in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

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