Mises Wire

Update on Ed Brown: The Feds are Moving in for the Loot

Update on Ed Brown: The Feds are Moving in for the Loot

From The Boston Channel:

Feds To Court: Seize Tax Evader’s Property

Jury Says Couple Must Forfeit Property

“Federal prosecutors are asking a court to seize the property of two convicted tax evaders.

Prosecutors filed papers last week to begin taking the property. A jury last month told Elaine and Ed Brown they must forfeit at least $215,000 in property.

The Browns were convicted last month of failing to pay taxes on almost $2 million in income and engaging in elaborate schemes to hide it. A jury also ordered the couple to turn over their Plainfield home or Elaine Brown’s Lebanon dental office.

Ed Brown stopped attending the week-long trial halfway through. Since then, he has been holed up in the couple’s fortress-like home.

Elaine Brown, who earned most of the couple’s income, attended most of the trial. She remains free on bail and is staying with her son in Worcester, Mass., and is required to wear an electronic monitoring bracelet.”

For those of you unfamiliar with Ed Brown’s story, see my original blog post on him here.

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