Mises Wire

Thomas Friedman on Addicted to Oil

Thomas Friedman on Addicted to Oil

I recently saw Thomas Friedman’s “Addicted to Oil” documentary on YouTube. A few nits to pick. First, of course, he unquestioningly buys into the global warming hype as one of the reasons we need to “do something.” Second, he uncritically accepts all the golly-gee claims of the alternate energy/new technology crowds. He hammers on a carbon-composite car door from some California startup without asking how it would holdup in a crash with a Volvo. He gets impressed by the advocates of switchgrass as a biomass fuel without asking how much of America’s fuel could possibly be supplied by such sources (answer: not much). And worst of all: he never once asks about or mentions nuclear power as a possible solution to the world’s energy problems.

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