Mises Wire

Speaking of Speaking of Liberty

Speaking of Speaking of Liberty

Lew Rockwell’s book—Speaking of Liberty—is eliciting very flattering commentary from readers of all sorts—and it occurs to us that these comments would be very useful in promoting the book. Some of these comments, then, are printed below. But so that Mises.org is not said to be guilty of puffery, the comment section of this blog is working so well that readers should feel free to add their comments—positive or negative.

Dear Lew: I am indebted to you not only for...your new book but also for its special section describing me as a “Misesian for Life.” As you may know, I had been a Roepke student before I joined the Mises circle at NY in 1950. Professor Roepke and his disciple, Ludwig Erhard, had shown me the way; Professor Mises took me “all the way.” You are pointing the way to many thousands of young students. Your initiative and labors have made you the magnetic pole toward which all parts of the movement gravitate. Professor Mises and Murray Rothbard would be well pleased. Sincerely, Hans Sennholz.* * * *Hello Mr. Rockwell I purchased and received your book Speaking of Liberty a few days ago and I devoured it from start to the finish. It is a remarkable book which presents many topics of Austrian Economics and libertarian theory in a clear and lucid way. The particular thing I like about this book was the optimisim that is exuded from every section of the book. It gives hope to readers in the freedom movement that we have a fighting chance for the victory of Liberty. I also enjoyed your explanation of Austrian theory of Business cycle and the history of the freedom movement from Albert Jay Nock, to Von Mises, to the present day. Once again a great book! A classic of modern times. L. Rogue* * * * *Dear Lew, Thhank you for Speaking of Liberty. Your eulogies for Murray and JoAnn Rothbard were moving and evocative. It’s wonderful to see the Mises Institute carry the libertarian torch of the Old Right. These dark days, too, shall pass. Sincerely, Bill Kaufman
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