Mises Wire

The Sechrest Controversy

The Sechrest Controversy

Larry Sechrest, adjunct scholar of the Mises Institute, economics professor at Sul Ross University, and author of many important studies on monetary theory and economic history, has come under fire in his home town of Alpine, Texas, for an article he wrote for Liberty magazine. So many people were upset by his free-wheeling prose that the local newspaper is running a poll on whether he should resign his position, and a number of articles have criticized his piece (here and here). Another site takes a pro-Sechrest position here and here.

On a personal note, as someone with family in this area of Texas since 1830, and having spent much time in fabulous Alpine, I found Professor’s Sechrest’s article to be charming, revealing, and highly complimentary—a wonderful piece of local reporting that, despite all the criticism, showed a genuine love of his community.

The article is not online (the Liberty site hasn’t been updated in 4 years)

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