Mises Wire

Ron Paul Accepts Invitation to First National Presidential Debate on CNN

Ron Paul Accepts Invitation to First National Presidential Debate on CNN

From the Free New York and Lew Rockwell Blogs:

“Ron Paul has accepted an invitation to participate in the first national presidential debate in New Hampshire on Wednesday, April 4. It will be hosted by Wolf Blitzer and will be carried on CNN TV, radio, and cnn.com from 7-9 p.m. EST. (Thanks to Johnny Kramer.)”

I wouldn’t vote for Paul or any other candidate as an opponent of democracy, but I think this is a great possibility to persuade and interest people in libertarian ideas and gladly support his efforts to spread the message of freedom. Maybe he’ll get attention for the cause of New Hampshire tax resister Ed Brown as well.

The Free New York blog entry is here the Lew Rockwell one here.

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