Mises Wire

Remembering Burt Blumert

Burt Blumert, who died six years ago, would have turned eighty-six today. It’s still hard for me to believe that Burt isn’t here anymore. Burt was the person you could always go to if you faced a difficult situation. His insights and good humor made you understand exactly what you needed to do. To get some idea of what Burt was like, I recommend his collection Bagels, Barry Bonds, and Rotten Politicians. If you read this, you will understand why Murray and Joey Rothbard and Lew Rockwell regarded Burt as their closest friend. He was Chairman of the Mises Institute, President of the Center for Libertarian Studies, and publisher of LewRockwell,com. I miss the days when I could call Camino Coin Company and speak to Burt and his friend George Resch, who sadly is now also gone.

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