Mises Wire

Mises Weekends: Our #1 Show of 2014!

Looking back on our first year of Mises Weekends, we decided to check the numbers and run the program with the highest ratings as we close out 2014. So based on analytics from YouTubeiTunesU, and Stitcher, the #1 show of the year is none other than Patrick Barron in a two-part interview on the end of US dollar supremacy.

Recorded in October, Patrick and Jeff discuss how the dollar became the world’s reserve currency after Bretton Woods, the dollar’s evolution as a weapon of mass US imperialism, and how its inevitable decline will have horrific consequences for those nations—and individuals—not prepared for it.

We’d love to know what guests you’d like to hear—and what questions you’d like asked—on Mises Weekends in 2015. Let us know via twitter @mises_media, or by emailing weekends@mises.org.

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