Mises Wire

A Message from Lew Rockwell

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No Ron Paul supporter will ever forget, or cease being angry about, the theft of his Texas Congressional seat in 1976. The race seemed to be close, and it was. When the polls closed, he was 100 votes ahead. The next morning he was 300 votes behind, and declared the loser.

But some of those votes were from dead people. So Ron and his campaign investigated all the Democrat votes and discovered 3,500 were crooked. Besides the dead, and those who had long ago moved away, there were people who claimed to live at the public library, a gas station, a supermarket, a football stadium, and thousands of other such venues.

Ron appealed the obviously rigged election to the state courts, as required, and lost. He went to the next level, and won 5-4, to his surprise, since all the judges were Democrats. The court system then tossed out one of the judges who had supported Ron, and appointed one who would not. So Ron “lost” 5-4.

The next time Ron ran for Congress, two years later, he was armed with election lawyers and ballot-security people. Also Texas was becoming more Republican, and he won then, and in every subsequent race. Not, by the way, that the Republicans were always good guys. In one of Ron’s races, George H.W. Bush, George Bush, and Newt Gingrich all campaigned for the anti-Ron candidate. Hilariously, they failed.

I should note that it was just four years later Ron was a big help in aiding me to start the Mises Institute, serving on our board and supporting us ever since.

This has all come to my mind, of course, because of Biden and Trump. The Dems rigged the vote blatantly and dared Trump to disagree. In this, they had, of course, the aid of virtually the entire rotten media. On the other hand, we will have more than 70 million people ready for a change.

As I write you, I don’t know the results, so let me look at the Mises Institute and our role, first, under Biden. Joe has dementia, and therefore will be increasingly irrelevant, but Kamala is a Communist, and so are many in the Biden circle. We bear the great responsibility, and the intellectual super-weapon, of the works of Mises and Rothbard. Both fought Communism. Both knew that the universities were seedbeds of Communism. But they were, and are, essential in pounding it into the ground.

That’s why we have put thousands of dedicated students through the Mises University and the Rothbard Graduate Seminar. It’s why we publish important books. It’s why we have such a huge website. It’s why we hold meetings around the country. It’s why we invest so much time, energy, and money into the young people who can fight this battle. It’s why we established our MA in Austrian economics.

Biden and Harris and their ilk proclaim Critical Race Theory: All white people are evil, and must proclaim it about themselves, and live the consequences. Needless to say, we do not allow such idiocy in our programs, or near our campus.

Political correctness, in which the professor might as well have a sign on his forehead flashing “Liar, Liar,” is as foreign to us as it was to Mises and Rothbard. Or to Henry Hazlitt, whose seminal work, Economics in One Lesson, we have published, and are massively distributing in a free edition.

Donald Trump is no commie, and he also banished the teaching of Critical Race Theory, throughout the federal government. Unlike Biden, Harris, Soros, and the rest, he is no friend of the riots, of BLM and Antifa.

The president is a populist. So was Murray Rothbard. However, Mr. Trump opposes free trade, a clear path to peace and prosperity. The president’s spending is gargantuan. He is the first president in forty years not to start a war. Will he mandate a compulsory vaccine?

But he is for an open economy, is for no more lockdowns, no more riots, and no more arson, no more looting. Biden and Co. promote a mandatory mask mandate and total lockdowns. For forty-seven years he’s been a warmonger. He was George W. Bush’s partner in the Iraq War and its one million deaths.

The Mises Institute has our work cut out for us, no matter who is president. But it will be far worse if it’s the Democrats. That is, we will be needed even more.

We have a great inheritance. It is also unique. When you help the Mises Institute, you help an educational organization that has no peer. We can be the source of the economic salvation the world so desperately needs. But, we need your help.

Please join us as we forge ahead and fight for the truth. Help us with your most generous contribution for 2021 and beyond.

Note: The views expressed on Mises.org are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.
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