Mises Wire

How Many Work for Government?

How Many Work for Government?

Writes Carroll Cox, editor of the Pioneer newspaper in Snowflake, Arizona:

“In my county of Apache, Arizona, 2/3 of employed people with full time jobs work for some level of government and education. In the neighboring county of Navajo, close to half of people are employed by government. With the help of Phoenix consultants Elliot Pollock and Associates, we determined that the average government job (in these two counties) pays $7,000-$10,000 more annually than the average private sector job, not counting benefits. According to U.S. News&World Report, there are about 100 million fulltime workers in the U.S. What percentage of them work for government? I have been unable to find breakdowns between jobs in the private and public sectors on Dept. of abor, Dept. of Commerce, etc. websites.”

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