Mises Wire

The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread...

The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread...

is parbaked, high-quality “artisanal” bread that you can get at your local supermarket. Some small-scale artisanal bread makers are understandably upset that bigger operations have found ways to make near-perfect substitutes for their lovingly-crafted, locally-produced loaves. Some will lose their jobs and have to find other lines of work. But let’s look at the big picture: how does this affect the little guy? By “little guy,” I mean “consumer who works hard to provide a decent meal for his or her family every evening.”

Before the advent of parbaking and improved distribution methods, most consumers’ bread choices were limited to sliced whitebread, wheatbread, or store-baked loaves loaded with corn syrup and hydrogenated oils. High-quality, all-natural breads were a luxury that only the very well-off could afford. Now, artisanal breads are appearing on supermarket shelves at prices most people can pay. Is this the work of a vast corporate conspiracy designed to destroy artisanal bakers? No—it is the natural operation of the market: prices go down, quality goes up, and what used to be luxury goods are made available to everyone. Let’s see who wins and who loses:

Winners: Mostly the lower and middle classes, who can now afford higher-quality, healthier products. Small-scale artisans, who will probably be sought to oversee larger operations.

Losers: Small-scale artisans, who can no longer enjoy high prices for their wares. Status-conscious rich people, for whom the ability to consume artisanal bread is now nothing special.

In summary: the market produces yet another unambiguous victory for humanity.

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