Mises Wire

Feed the World

Feed the World

As the Free Trade controversy continues to reverberate, it is ironic, too, that UK First Citizen Antoine RobespiBlaire’s new megalomaniacal bonne idee is to ‘remove Africa from poverty’ by making sure aid programmes are (a) larger and (b) more scientifically managed in that wonderful way which has done so much at home to turn Britain into a place of which Mussolini would be proud... but Free Trade to help the benighted Dark Continent out of penury? An abolition of the UK minimum wage, rather than bureaucratic meddling to distort markets and incentives in other lands? Less agricultural subsidy in Britain, rather than pouring out our taxes in expiation of assumed Western guilt for our fathers’ sins of Empire? NEVER!!!! After all, THAT latter might actually work — and without an identifiable, Nobel prize hopeful, like our Tony, to celebrate for the achievement, either — and THEN where would we be?

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