Mises Wire

Cinéastes Sans Frontières

Cinéastes Sans Frontières

Children of Men director Alfonso Cuaron, writes in the Guardian of a borderless state of freedom with regard to film-makers that perhaps presages a wider movement in many other markets:

“My hope for the future is for people to start cutting loose from those geographic roots, to begin moving towards a state of freedom, of rootlessness. I feel this is what someone like Alejandro [Gonzalez Inarritu] has already done. By shooting [Babel] in Morocco and Japan, you could say that he was leaving his roots and finding his identity.

“I have a huge appreciation of backgrounds. What I have a problem with is borders. The language of cinema is cinema itself: it doesn’t matter whether it is filmed in Spanish or English or French or Japanese. The same goes for the people who make it. Yes, I’m a film-maker from Mexico. But I also belong to the world.”

The same can be said of free markets, comparative advantage, peaceful relations, and mutually beneficial exchange.

The efficiency of markets transcends all borders.

The language of satisfaction is the purchase itself.

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