Left and Right

Liberalism and the CIA

Left and Right Journal cover

In the wake of the scandal of the NSA, several points need to be highlighted. In the first place, let all attacks cease forevermore on those of us who hold what has been universally smeared as the “conspiracy theory of history”: I. e., on those of us who believe in the laws of cause and effect, who believe that men do not act purposelessly and without motive, and who believe in using our intellects to trace connections and frame hypotheses in analyzing the world and not merely to record officially proclaimed events. Secondly, let all attacks cease upon the “paranoia” of radicals; who’s “paranoid” now?

Volume 3, Number 1; Winter 1967


Rothbard, Murray N. “Liberalism and the CIA “ Left and Right 3, No. 1 (Winter 1967): 26-27.

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