The Police State—Know It When You See It: The Mises Circle in Houston

Houston Mises Circle 2014
- Event

Special thanks to Christopher P. Condon, Terence Murphree, and TJ & Ida Goss for making this event possible.

In the modern United States, federal laws are now so numerous and written so broadly and vaguely, that it is nearly impossible to make it through the day without breaking at least one of them. In many cases, these accidental infractions, when prosecuted, carry stiff penalties and prison time. Business owners are especially at risk in the face of federal agencies with nearly-limitless resources and thousands of laws and regulations to choose from when seeking to shut down or punish business enterprises.

The situation is even more precarious for citizens seeking to actually challenge the power of the state. From whistle-blowers to journalists to run-of-the-mill political activists, the risk of prison terms and heavy fines becomes ever greater. And through it all, an enormous government apparatus of prisons, prosecutors, police, and bureaucrats remains well-funded, powerful, and nearly impossible to oppose in court. Join us to discuss these issues. 

Large selection from the Mises Bookstore will be available for purchase. Speakers are happy to autograph books.

Final Schedule in PDF

The Program

9:00 a.m. Mises Bookstore opens. Registration begins.

10:00 a.m. Welcome, Lew Rockwell

10:15 a.m. Jeff Deist “What Happened to ‘Peace’ Officers?”

10:45 a.m. Tom Woods “The Economics of the Police State”

11:15 a.m. Refreshments and discussion. Bookstore open.

11:45 a.m. Lew Rockwell “American Fascism”

12:15 p.m. Luncheon in Grand Ballroom

1:30 p.m. Ron Paul “Do We Live in a Police State?”

2:30 p.m. Speaker Panel Q&A

3:00 p.m. Adjourn

3:30 p.m. Mises Bookstore closes

Additional Information

Donations to sponsor student scholarships are welcomed. Student Scholarships are available.

Sessions and lunch take place at Houston Marriott South at Hobby Airport. Complimentary parking.

Attire is business casual. Driving directions are here.

For accommodations at the Houston Marriott South at Hobby Airport, call them at 713-943-7979 before January 2 and mention the Mises Institute for a special rate of $92 per night plus tax.

Sponsor a Mises Circle

The Mises Institute conducts Mises Circles: one-day informative seminars around the country. These events are wholly sponsored by freedom loving, concerned people who want to bring new ideas to their community and businesses. To sponsor a Mises Circle in your region, please call Kristy Holmes at 800-636-4737 or email her.

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